Directed by Mary Garrett with musical direction by Sally Chase, the show ran July 12-16, 2000. Cast Sarah McKendree Bonham: Maureen Thiec Daughters: Sarah Hoffman, Barbara Rode, Linda Smith, Jessica Staub, Bridget…
Tag: Linda Smith
Come Blow Your Horn
Directed by Mike McMaster with Keith Eopechino serving as assistant director, the show ran Sept. 9-11 and 16-18, 1999. Cast Alan Baker: Keith Eopechino Peggy Evans: Amanda Ketzner Buddy Baker: Shane Warner…
Out of Order
Directed by Chris Noel with assistance from Mike McMaster, the show ran March 12-14 and 19-21, 1998. Cast…
Les Belles Soeurs
Directed by Marcia Becker, the show ran Sept. 11-13 and 18-20, 1997. Cast Germaine Lauzon: Ellen Buchen Linda Lauzon: Heather Whitfield Rose Ouimet: Linda Smith Gabrielle Jodoin: Becky Wright Lisette de Courval:…