Directed by Dennis Smyers, the show ran April 30, May 1 and 6-8, 1982. Cast Ernest: Jim Watson, Sr. Delia: Elinor Williams Nick: Kimm Cooper Jan: Carole Brown Malcolm: Jim Berwager Kate:…
Tag: Jim Berwager
On Golden Pond
Directed by Jack Shue, the show ran March 5-6 and 11-13, 1982. Cast Norman Thayer Jr.: Jim Gulden Ethel Thayer: Mari Garrett Charlie Martin: Jim Berwager Chelsea Thayer Wayne: Susi Spangler Billy…
The Pajama Game
Directed by Donald Menges and Kimm Cooper, the show ran Sept. 18-19 and 23-26, 1981. Cast Hines: Jim Berwager Prez: Merle Whisler Hasler: Jim Watson Sr. Gladys: Pam Cesera Sid Sorokin: Jim…
Little Mary Sunshine
Directed by Mari Garrett, the show ran Sept. 28-29 and Oct. 4-6, 1979. Cast Brown Bear: Jerry Dubs Billy Jester: Jim Breuer Captain Jim: Jack Shue Little Mary Sunshine: Pat thorStraten Ernestine:…