Directed by Sally Chase, the show ran May 9-11 and 16-18, 1996. Cast Tess: Monica Dissinger Patsy: Georgianna Wetmore Bobby: Bob Brown Zangler: Bob Henke Irene: Julie Tosh Mother: Betty Charles Perkins/Custus:…
Tag: Duane Bull
Arsenic and Old Lace
Directed by Jean Ecker, the show ran March 7-19 and 14-16, 1996. Cast Abby Brewster: Sally Chase The Rev….
Meet Me in St. Louis
Directed by Sally Chase, the show ran May 11-13 and 18-20, 1995. Cast Granda Prophater: Jack Byers Mrs. Smith: Bonnie Raubenstine Mr. Smith: John Day Esther: Tricia Moose Rose: Jessica Staub Lon:…