Directed by Sally Chase, the show ran May 16-18 and 23-25, 2002. Cast Felix Ducotel: Jack Hippensteel Emilie Ducotel: Heidi Hormel Marie Louise Ducotel: Michelle Campbell Madame Parole: Maureen Thiec Joseph: Mike…
Tag: Duane Bull
Directed by Mari Garrett, the show ran Nov. 25-27 and Dec. 2-4, 1999. Cast Mickey Gorski: Bob Brown Emily Gorski: Sue Cooper Phil Gorski: Jeff Baker Randi Stein: Cheri Henke Andy Gorski:…
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Directed by Jessica Staub and Duane Bull, the show ran Nov. 12-15 and 19-21, 1998. Cast Witch Wicked: Betty Charles Snow White: Karla Kucera Lady Penelope: Danielle Kahler Lady Lucinda: Christy Floyd…
The Silver Whistle
Directed by Marcia Becker, the show ran Sept. 10-12 and 17-19, 1998. Ellen Buchen served as assistant director. Cast Mr. Beebe: Duane Bull Mrs. Hanmer: Jean Ecker Miss Hoadley: Betty Charles Miss…