Directed by Ron Schloyer, the show ran March 14-16 and 21-23. Cast Nick Cristano: Bob Brown Frank Gianelli: Don Aumen Aida Gianelli: Buff Wills Nunzio Cristano: Skip Tananis Emma Cristano: Linda Smith…
Tag: Bob Brown
Directed by Mari Garrett, the show ran Nov. 25-27 and Dec. 2-4, 1999. Cast Mickey Gorski: Bob Brown Emily Gorski: Sue Cooper Phil Gorski: Jeff Baker Randi Stein: Cheri Henke Andy Gorski:…
Will Rogers Follies
Directed by Sally Chase, the show ran May 7–10 and 14–16, 1998. Cast Will Rogers: Bob Brown Betty Rogers:…
Funny Money
Directed by Jean Ecker, the show ran March 6-8 and 13-15, 1997 Cast Jean Perkins: Robin Reck Henry Perkins:…