Directed by Bill Montgomery, the show ran Nov. 28-29 and Dec. 4-6, 1975. Cast Harry: Jim Gulden Gloria: Nancy Fasnacht Jack: Vance Sheffer Ethel: Bonnie Thoman The show was also performed at…
Tag: Bill Montgomery
Don’t Drink the Water
Directed by Babette Montgomery, the show ran June 11-13 and 18-20, 1970. Cast Father Drobney: Greg Hull Ambassador Magee: Rick Sponseller Kilroy: Ron Schloyer Alex Magee: Jeff Lawrence Marion Hollander: Jean Ecker…
The Mousetrap
Directed by Jean Montgomery, the show ran February 13–17, 1968. Cast Mollie Ralston: Mari Garrett Giles Ralston: John Korver Christopher Wren: Edmond Trostle Mrs. Boyle: Babette Montgomery Major Metcalf: Bill Montgomery Miss Casewell:…