Directed by Ann Romano, the show ran December 1-2,7, and 9-10, 1978. Cast Sally Walker: Mari Garrett Paul Burnett: Toby Sanders Monica Rogers: Carol Brown Karl: Gregory Hull Scott Marlowe: James Gulden
Tag: Ann Romano
Something’s Afoot
Directed by Mari Garrett, the show ran Sept. 29-30 and Oct. 5-7, 1978. Cast Lettie: Judy Mazzeo Clive: James Gulden Flint: James Berwager Hope Langdon: Ann Romano Dr. Grayburn: Bill Montgomery Nigel…
Kiss Me Kate
Directed by Mari Garrett, the show ran May 5-6 and 11-13, 1978. Cast Fred Graham: Kermit Finstad Harry Trevor: Bill Montgomery Lois Lane: Barbara Zimmerman Ralph: Toby Sanders Lilli Vanessi: Betty Charles…
A Majority of One
Directed by Mari Garrett, the show ran Nov.11-12 and 17-19, 1977. Cast Mrs. Rubin: Janet Busler Mrs. Jacoby: Rita Blumenthal Alice Black: Diane Menges Jerome Black: Vance Sheffer Lady Passenger: Carol Dodd…