Directed by Ned and Jean Rutledge, the show ran October 7, 1963. Cast Opal Kronkie: Elsie Hille Gloria Gulock: Carolyn Enggren Bradford Winter: Don Trimmer Solomon Bozo: Bernard Grindlinger Doctor: Clifford Pfaff…
Blithe Spirit
Directed by Ned Rutledge, the show ran November 1 through 4, 1960. Cast Edith: Gini Wertz Ruth: Jane Alcott Charles: Charles Long Dr. Bradman: Bernard H. Grindlinger Mrs. Bradman: Jacqueline Crouse Madame…
Bell, Book and Candle
Directed by Robert Sheffer, the show ran May 4-12, 1960. The Hanover Lions Club sponsored the production. Cast Pyewacket: Tsu-Ann Lea Maitland Gillian Holroyd: Julie Stine Shepherd Henderson: James Grindrod Miss Holroyd:…
The Late Christopher Bean
The Late Christopher Bean ran Feb. 8 and 9, 1949 at Eichelberger High School. Robert Sheffer directed. Cast Dr. Haggett: Robert Sheffer Susan Haggett: Helen Everhart Abby: Babette Montgomery Mrs. Haggett: Lee Glick Ada Haggett: Mary Brickner…