Directed by Ron Wentz, the show ran Feb. 15-16 and 20-23, 1974. Cast Don Quixote: James Gulden Sancho: Mike Miles Captain: Richard Robey Aldonza: Pat Straten Innkeeper: Terry Gotwalt Dr. Carrasco: Greg…
You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown
Directed by Mari Garrett, the show ran June 8-10 and 13-16, 1973. Cast Linus: Jim Gulden Charlie Brown: James Berwager Patty: Pat Straten Schroeder: Andrew Sullivan Snoopy: Greg Hull Lucy: Janet Trostle…
Don’t Drink the Water
Directed by Babette Montgomery, the show ran June 11-13 and 18-20, 1970. Cast Father Drobney: Greg Hull Ambassador Magee: Rick Sponseller Kilroy: Ron Schloyer Alex Magee: Jeff Lawrence Marion Hollander: Jean Ecker…
A Thousand Clowns
Directed by Mari Garrett, the show ran in April 1968. This was Garrett’s first show as director at HCP. Cast Murray Burns: Don Trimmer Nick Burns: Greg Clabaugh Albert Amundson: Ronald Nickey…