Guys and Dolls
Directed by Dennis Smyers, the show ran May 13-14, 19 and 21-22, 1977. Cast Nicely Nicely Johnson: Chip Masemore Benny Southstreet: John Romano Sarah Brown: Jeannie Hilker Arvide Abernathy: Bill Montgomery Mission…
A Community of Two
Directed by Janet Trostle, the show ran March 18-19 and 24-26, 1977. Cast Alix Carpenter: Mari Garrett Robert Carpenter: Jim Berwager Michael Jardeen: Jim Zimmerman Tim Carpenter: Taber Cromer Terry: Mindy Gulden…
6 Rms Riv Vu
Directed by Mari Garrett, the show ran Sept. 24-25, 30 and Oct. 1-2, 1976. Cast Eddie: Kimm Cooper Pregnant Woman: Carol Wimmer Young Man: Terry Gotwalt Anne Miller: Patrice Smith Paul Friedman: Gregory Hull…