Thank you to Robyn Fisher from The Evening Sun for a great article on us in FlipSide, the entertainment publication for the York Daily Record. What a great time to share news…
Murder Mystery Sold Out!
“My Fatal Valentine,” our Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre production scheduled for Feb. 8 at the Hanover Elks, has sold out! No more tickets are available for this special show. Thank you to…
Auditions Dates Set for Farce
Director Erin DiNello announces auditions for “Sin, Sex, and the C.I.A.,” the third show of Hanover Little Theatre’s 65th season. The laugh-out-loud farce comes from the playwrights of last season’s hit “Sex Please, We’re Sixty.” The show…
Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre Scheduled
[button size=”large” type=”danger” value=”SOLD OUT” href=””] The writers nominated for the prestigious Loveknot Award by publisher Heartthrob Books have already captivated their readers with tales of thrilling romance. But soon these antagonistic…