Directed by Jean Ecker, the show ran Oct. 11-12 and 19-20 as a dinner theatre production at the Jefferson Fire Company. Cast Herman: Kimm Cooper Floyd: Cliff Pfaff Lou: Casey Clark Pam:…
Author: brian_shea
Ernest in Love
Directed by Ron Schloyer, the show ran Sept. 14-15 and 21-22, 1984. Cast Perkins: Ted Hartlaub Lane: Dana Jacobs Greengrocer/Dr. Chasuable: Charles Glessner Bootmaker: Ron Schloyer Piano Teacher: Barb Markle Tabacconist: Brian…
Directed by Jim Watson, the show ran May 4-5, 10-12, 1984. Cast Sidney Bruhl: Phil Little Myra Bruhl: Sue Cooper Clifford Anderson: Rod Weaver Helga Ten Dorp: Elinor Williams Porter Milgrim: Bill…
The Gingerbread Lady
Directed by Nancy Fasnacht, the show ran March 2-3 and 8-10, 1984. Cast Jimmy Perry: Kimm Cooper Manuel: Jim Watson Toby Landau: Beth Pittinger Evy Meara: Ann Watson Polly Meara: Shelly Kerchner…