Directed by Jean Ecker, the show ran Nov. 7-9 and 14-16, 1991. Cast Mamma: Carlie Williams Jake: Joe Barnhart State Trooper Brendle: James Watson, Sr. Emma: Tricia Cleck Mrs. Yoder: Holly Zumbrum…
Author: brian_shea
Greater Tuna
Directed by Jim Watson, Sept. 5-7 and 12-14, 1991. Cast Stanley Bumiller/Rev. Spikes/Hank Bumiller: Jack Shue Leonard Childers/Pearl Burras/Elmer Watkins: John McCrae Didi Snavely: Joe Barnhart Arles Struvie: Jim Cramer Petey Fisk/Harold…
Directed by Sally Chase, May 9-11 and 16-18, 1991. Cast Irene: Tyra Lease Donald S. Marshall III: Bob Henke Mrs. Marshall: Betty Charles Mrs. O’Dare: Audrey Landi Helen Burke: Monica Dissinger Jane…
I Ought to Be in Pictures
Directed by Mari Garrett, the show ran Nov. 8-10 and 15-17, 1990. Cast Libby Tucker: Monica Dissinger Herb Tucker: Jeff Baker Steffy Blondell: Joan Rebert