Platinum Benefactor
*Douglas and Heather Cooper
Andy Hoffman and Bobbi Little
*Heidi Hormel
Terrence and Monna Hormel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jefferson
*Brandon O’Donnell and Josh Zeiters
Golden Benefactor
*David and Kathy Miller
Ray and Joni Miller
Judith Morris
Karl and Julie Orndorff
*Art and Nancy Rathell
Alexis Anderson
Phyllis Egger
Holly Hertsgaard
James May
Robin Nesbitt
Randy Scott
Suzanne and George Williamson
Charles Yates
St. David’s Church of Christ
Patron of the Arts
Katherine Baxter
B.J. Brian
*Jonathan Carbaugh
Robert & Martha Channell
James Clark
Terry Elder
Shannon Foster
Scott Fredericks
Penny and Lew Frick
Sally and John Howe
Stephanie Jacoby
Estelle King
Bill and Sharon Morrow
Phyllis Neiderer
Anna Palmer
Cathy Reck
Marcia Rohde
Jan Ruman
Barb Rupp
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sager
Joy Shives
Donald and Edna Sterner
Phyllis Thomas
*Debbie Williams
Susan Baer
Angie Baran
Maryanne Biddison
Janice Botello
*Carmela Champ
Sally Chase
Joan and Dennis Crooks
Linda Fink
Morgan Fleeger
Shanna Hollich
Terrence and Monna Hormel
Nancy Jones
Sharon Krebs
Terri Hale and Larry Laughman
Wayne Laughman
Scott Law
*Wendee Lewis
*Courtney McDougall
Patricia Miller
Jacqueline Redding
Carolyn Scott
Brian and Maria Shea
Jacqueline Sheerin
Linda Wheeler
Emily Wingert
Saundra Winters
Dave and Margie Zinn
Emmanuel United Church
South Hanover Lanes
*Mathew Barninger
*Jeb Beard
Caroline Capek
*Paul Norfolk
Vicki Novak
Barbara Reinard
Randall Rolls
Mya Scott
* Denotes a Hanover Little Theatre Board Member
Patron List is current as of Jan. 31, 2025.