Get your tickets now for Hanover Little Theatre’s upcoming production of musical comedy Church Basement Ladies. The show will run July 12-14 and 18-21.
To accommodate increased interest in this show, we will add an eighth performance at 2 p.m. on Saturday, July 13. Sunday matinee performances will be at 2 p.m. on July 14 and 21. Evening performances will be at 8 p.m. on July 12-13 and 18-20.
All tickets are $15 with no fees for tickets printed at home or bought at the door. Discounts are available for seniors, students and groups of 10 or more. There will be a $2 charge for all phone orders and a $1 charge for any tickets delivered through the mail. Our box office will be open the two weekends prior to Opening Night for ticket sales.
The Church Basement Ladies organize the food and solve the problems of a rural Minnesota church about to undergo changes in 1965. From the elderly matriarch of the kitchen to the young bride-to-be learning the proper order of things, we see them handle a record breaking Christmas dinner, the funeral of a dear friend, a Hawaiian Easter fundraiser, and a steaming hot July wedding. They stave off potential disasters, share and debate recipes, instruct the young, and keep the Pastor on course.
Our non-profit partner for the show is New Hope Ministries. HLT will donate $2 for each ticket sold to the Saturday, July 13 evening performance to New Hope. Matching donations from an anonymous patron and Sommer and O’Donnell – Attorneys at Law will boost the total donation to $6 per seat. We will also accept donations from patrons at each performance.