Directed by Sally Chase, the show ran May 9-11 and 16-18, 1996.
Tess: Monica Dissinger
Patsy: Georgianna Wetmore
Bobby: Bob Brown
Zangler: Bob Henke
Irene: Julie Tosh
Mother: Betty Charles
Perkins/Custus: Mike McMaster
Betsy: Karen Manville
Susie: CheriĀ Henke
Mingo: Don Aumen
Moose: Duane Bull
Sam: Chris Noel
Jimmy: Steve Darmetko
Junior/Eugene: John Spangler
Everett: Jack Byers
Polly: Deb Loss
Bartender: Bill Montgomery
Lank: Henry McLin
Louise: Karen Lindner
Margie: Loni Burdis
Sheila: Laura Van Noord
Vera: Danielle Kahler
Patricia: Audrey Landi