Directed by Ann Watson, the show ran Nov. 9-10 and 15-17, 1984. Cast Dodie: Karen Williams Marie: Lorraine Wherley Kittie: Diane Trone Mike: Mike Dows Mrs. Tarleton: Judy Clark Alicia: Susi Spangler…
Tag: Kimm Cooper
Directed by Jean Ecker, the show ran Oct. 11-12 and 19-20 as a dinner theatre production at the Jefferson Fire Company. Cast Herman: Kimm Cooper Floyd: Cliff Pfaff Lou: Casey Clark Pam:…
The Gingerbread Lady
Directed by Nancy Fasnacht, the show ran March 2-3 and 8-10, 1984. Cast Jimmy Perry: Kimm Cooper Manuel: Jim Watson Toby Landau: Beth Pittinger Evy Meara: Ann Watson Polly Meara: Shelly Kerchner…
Bell, Book and Candle
Directed by Chuck Glessner, the show ran April 29-30 and May 5-7, 1983. Cast Gillian Holroyd: Beth Pittinger Shepard Henderson: Michael Hirsh Miss Holroyd: Joan Rebert Nicky Holroyd: Dana Jacobs Sidney Redlitch:…