Directed by Mary Garrett with musical direction by Sally Chase, the show ran July 12-16, 2000. Cast Sarah McKendree Bonham: Maureen Thiec Daughters: Sarah Hoffman, Barbara Rode, Linda Smith, Jessica Staub, Bridget…
Tag: Jessica Staub
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Directed by Jessica Staub and Duane Bull, the show ran Nov. 12-15 and 19-21, 1998. Cast Witch Wicked: Betty Charles Snow White: Karla Kucera Lady Penelope: Danielle Kahler Lady Lucinda: Christy Floyd…
Little Shop of Horrors
Directed by Jessica Staub with assistance rom Rene Staub, the show ran Nov. 13-15 and 20-22, 1997. Cast…
Meet Me in St. Louis
Directed by Sally Chase, the show ran May 11-13 and 18-20, 1995. Cast Granda Prophater: Jack Byers Mrs. Smith: Bonnie Raubenstine Mr. Smith: John Day Esther: Tricia Moose Rose: Jessica Staub Lon:…