Directed by Anthe Gent, the show ran May 10-12, 17-19, 1990. Cast Tommy Albright: Bob Henke Jeff Douglas: Henry McLin Jane Ashton: Tyra Lease Fiona MacLaren: Bonnie Raubenstine Jean MacLaren: Barbarann Streeter…
Tag: Anthe Gent
Play On
Directed by Dennis Smyers, the show ran March 1-3 and 8-10. Cast Aggie Manville: Sally Chase Geraldine “Gerry” Dunbar: Joan Rebert Violet Imbry/Diana Lassiter: Susi Spangler Billy Carewe/Stephen Sellers: Shawn Myers Maria…
Romantic Comedy
Directed by David Gent, the show ran March 2-4 and 9-11, 1989. Cast Jason Carmichael: Jeff Baker Blanche Dailey: Mari Garrett Phoebe Craddock: Monica Dissinger Allison St. James: Anthe Gent Leo Janowitz:…
The Mousetrap
Directed by Anthe Gent, the show ran Sept. 9-10 and 15-17, 1988. Cast Mollie Ralston: Karen Dee Williams Giles Ralston: Mike Lawrence Christopher Wren: D. Wesley Myers Mrs. Boyle: Linda Karas Major…