Directed by Dennis Smyers, the show ran May 13-14, 19 and 21-22, 1977.
Nicely Nicely Johnson: Chip Masemore
Benny Southstreet: John Romano
Sarah Brown: Jeannie Hilker
Arvide Abernathy: Bill Montgomery
Mission Band: Jean Shuff and Julie Barnes
Harry the Horse: Russ Mills
Lt. Brannigan: Lowry Barnes
Nathan Detroit: Ted Unger
Miss Adelaide: Bonnie Leese
Sky Masterson: Loren Kroh
General Matilda Cartwright: Karen Bureau
Big Jule: Ted Waltersdorf
Hotbox Girls: Shari Hudson, Barbara Garret, Bobbie Jo Woisin, Cany Woisin
Extra Dancers and Characters: Tim King, Diane Henry, Elaine Slothour, Heidi Hormel, Bryan Spear